Wednesday, 30 July 2008

HexBug Inchworm Colour 3

Inchworm Cobalt is the third colour of the new HexBUg products released. Matching the striking blue of the HexBug Crab, this is bound to be a popular choice...on the blue half of Merseyside at least!
More colours to be revealed soon....

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

HexBug Inchworm Colour 2

The first colour of Inchworm seen was Green...we can reveal the second of the five colours available is Red. Remember, all HexBug Inchworms come with a matching infrared remote control.

Friday, 25 July 2008

The Last HexBug Crab Colour....

The fifth and final colour of HexBug Crab, due later this year is Teal. The colours for the HexBug Inchworms will be posted on the blog soon...

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

HexBug Crab - Green

The 4th colour of HexBug Crab will be green, which joins the already revealed Black, Red and Cobalt. The 5th and final colour will be online later this week.

Monday, 21 July 2008

HexBug Crab - 3rd Colour

Hot on the heals of last weeks images of the Red and Black HexBug Crab....we can reveal the third colour of from the new HexBug family is Cobalt blue.
There are two more colours of HexBug Crab coming, all will be revealed later this week.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

HexBug Changes it's Spots....

...well it's colour at least! HexBug Delta will be yellow no longer....the HexBug Mark II which will be arriving later this year will see the arrival of the HexBug Delta Black. The creepiest and most 'life like' HexBug yet. More information on product launch will be coming soon....

HexBug Crab Latest Press Release

Here's a few more snippets of information about the HexBug Crab...

While the minirobot is geared toward kids, it's easy to see the Hexbug Crab gaining a place alongside office stress balls in cubicles across the country. Like other Hexbugs, the Hexbug Crab can be left to roam around and respond to its environment. Think of it as a little pet that doesn't need to be fed.

"Feelers" on the crabs legs are actually robotic sensors that help it avoid obstacles. It responds to loud clapping or banging sounds by running away. The Hexbug Crab, however, is slightly more advanced than Hexbug's robotic bugs. This one will also have light sensors and be programmed to scurry to the darkest spot it can find, just like a real crab does.

HexBug Crab - New Colour

We've already seen an image of the HexBug Crab Red - we'll be revealing the other colours soon to be available here every few days. Here's another of the family, HexBug Crab Black...

Thursday, 10 July 2008

All New HexBug....coming soon!

If you can still get HexBugs in the UK or Europe you best grab them quick! The worldwide demand is huge and stock outside of the US is temporarily limited. So for the short term HexBugs could be hard to find.

But fear not.....coming later this year (by the end of the 3rd Quarter) is HexBug Mark II - a new improved looking HexBug. Details will be posted here soon.....

HexBug Inchworm

The most advanced HexBug product to date is the soon-to-launch Inchworm with it's infrared remote control. Like the HexBug Crab this should be touching down for sale across the UK & Europe this side of Christmas.
Check back on HexBug Central for more information!

HexBug Crab - New Sighting!

A new image of the upcoming HexBug Crab has been released, showing the casing in more detail. All being well the HexBug Crabs should be scuttling there way into Europe before the end of the year!