Friday, 8 August 2008

HexBug Crab Spotted on Video again

More footage of the HexBug Crab can be found on YouTube. Combining the same features of the HexBug with the addition of the light sensor - the HexBug Crab looks to be a winner!

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

HexBug Crabs - On the Move....Video

Here's the first official footage of the amazing new HexBug Crabs......

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

HexBug Inchworm Colour 5

The fifth and final colour of HexBug Inchworm is Black - matching the new HexBug Delta. The Inchworm Black will be joining it's other 4 relatives when launched later this year.

HexBug Review....

The HexBugs have started cropping up in the press and on online news sites. Any siteings will be posted on the blog. Here's one from the IC Network...

Click Here for the Review

Friday, 1 August 2008

HexBug Inchworm Colour 4

The penultimate colour HexBug InchWorm is

unique to the InchWorm range and is known as InchWorm Plum. Looking to be here in the next few weeks, HexBug InchWorms will be the next big thing in remote controlled robotics!